Explanation of Tier 2

Tier II: The textbook defines Tier II of the Response to Intervention model as "providing targeted intervention for small groups of students requiring special instruction (such as special reading groups)" (pg. 8).

If the general education classroom is too much for the student, they will be moved to smaller groups in order to complete their work. The idea of a group this size is that it will a better learning environment for a student to work in. The other students in this group may be at the same pace as the student, or they may be at different paces, which would allow for the teacher in charge to work using differentiated instruction because the group may be a small enough size in order to do so efficiently. Small group work can be efficient because there are less distractions and more support for a student to have if needed. By participating within the general education classrooms and the small groups, the student will have multiple supports available to them.

Tier II allows for more of a helping hand if a student isn't thriving at Tier I of the RtI model. If progress is not made at Tier I, then roughly 2 - 3 times a week, the student will partake in small groups during his/her lessons, alongside the general education classroom. By doing so, the student is receiving the attention they need in order to understand the curriculum so they are able to thrive educationally. Regular skills assessments will be conducted and monitored in order to keep track of the student's progress; parent's will receive notice of their child's progress and may be asked to partake in at-home-lessons as well.
