What is RtI?

What is RtI?

Response to Intervention, better known as RtI, is a three layered approach that assists students with learning and behavioral needs who are in need of support in their education. With each layer, a more intensive education plan is used in order to help a student meet their needs when it comes to helping them succeed within the classroom. The textbook explains that "RtI provides educational environments for special education to collaborate with general education to meet the needs of children who need help, but who sometimes may not need special education services" (pg. 8). Classroom-wide, targeted, and individualized interventions take place in order to ensure that every student is given the best chance at an education. RtI

By identifying children who have exceptionalities as early on in their education as possible, you are setting them up to succeed. When you catch a learning problem early on that may be hindering a child from growing as a learner, you are opening doors for them that will help move them towards successful interventions. By implementing interventions such as RtI early on in a child's educational life, you are giving them the best opportunity at an education possible. The earlier on an exceptionality is caught, the sooner there is time to conduct a plan in order to help that child succeed in the classroom and in other areas within their life. The RtI model is created with different levels so even our youngest learners can benefit. 
