Two Case Study Responses

[Case Study 1] RtI Scenario E: Middle School Level 


1. What do you know? What do you still need to know? 

I know that Maria has been having trouble during her 7th grade year. She's been making it difficult during class for others (teachers). Even though the defiance began halfway through her 6th grade year, she hadn't always acted out in this way. Despite her academic history, there is no previous history of her being violent or mean. I still need to know what is causing Maria to act out in this way and why she is choosing to do so.

2. What do you believe is the core problem?

From reading the  scenario, and experience myself, I'd say that Maria is acting out because she may still be considered the "new girl". Maybe she hasn't made any friends yet. She might have been so used to attending the same school for grades K - 5, that this change might have been all too much for her, so her change in behavior is now shining through. Aside from this assumption, Maria's academic standing could also be the issue. Maybe Maria dislikes where her grades are at and it frustrates her, or she doesn't understand the curriculum, etc. Maybe her mother is displeased with the grades and has voiced her concern and it is affecting Maria.

3. Should teacher proceed with the RtI process?

Yes. I believe that taking the steps through the RtI Model with Maria wouldn't be the worst decision. She may need that extra push, even if it is just small group work, and not an individualized intervention. Whatever the case may be, Maria could benefit greatly from RtI as her grades have been borderline from the first grade on.

4. If yes, what Curriculum Guide Evidence/supporting documentation does teacher need to present at Tier I?

When talking during a meeting about implementing Tier I into Maria's academic endeavors, former report cards, transcripts, test scores, etc. may be useful when asked for evidence of why they believe Maria might be "at risk for failing".

5. Who needs to be on the RtI Team? 

The School's Principal, the RtI Coordinator, the Special Education Teacher, the General Education Teacher, Maria's Mother, the Literacy/Reading Specialists, a school Psychologist, and a Speech-Language Therapist.

[Case Study 2] RtI Scenario F: Middle School Level


1. What do you know? What do you still need to know? 

I know that Sergio is an English Language Learner who is struggling at school, as he moved from Mexico not too long ago. The kindest young gentleman you would ever come across, but he seems to be having a difficult time passing his classes. He attended school in Mexico for 4 years, so schooling in the United States is currently difficult for him, but we have to figure out why and we have to figure out how to help him thrive in his classes so he can pass them.

2. What do you believe is the core problem?

I believe the core problem to be the fact that Sergio went to school in Mexico for the last four years and now is continuing school in the United States of America without a teacher or an Aide present in helping him individually.

3. Should teacher proceed with the RtI process?

Yes. I believe that if the teacher implements RtI with Sergio as soon as possible, there is a chance that he will be able to acquire the help he needs in order to gain some understanding of his curriculum.

4. If yes, what Curriculum Guide Evidence/supporting documentation does teacher need to present at Tier I?

When conducting a meeting that will decide whether or not to implement Tier I into Sergio's academic curriculum, transcripts, former reports cards, testing scores, etc. will be useful when asked for evidence of why they believe Sergio might be "at risk for failing".

5. Who needs to be on the RtI Team?

The School's Principal, the RtI Coordinator, the Special Education Teacher, the General Education Teacher, Sergio's Parents, the Literacy/Reading Specialists, a school Psychologist, and a Speech-Language Therapist.
